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5 Questions with CMP’s Top 5 Mortgage Brokers in Alberta – Dan Eisner

Dan Eisner

Every year, Canadian Mortgage Professionals (CMP) Magazine publishes a list of the top brokers in Canada. The list consists of Canadian brokers and agents who voluntarily submit their financial details to see where they rank. In this blog series, we’re interviewing the top mortgage brokers in Alberta to find out what they attribute their success to. Our goal is to learn more about these professionals and help other brokers understand their successful business strategies.

In 2011, the top five brokers on CMP’s list each surpassed $150 million in funded deals. Dan Eisner, the CEO of True North Mortgage, has taken the company to new heights and ranked number one on the list. Eisner finished 2011 with more than $410 million in funded deals, almost doubling what he made in 2010 ($255 million). Over the past couple of years, Eisner has been expanding True North Mortgage by creating offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Halifax and Calgary.

1. How can you attribute your success to making the Top 5?

Our relentless execution of our strategy; providing superior services and rates to good credit Canadians.

2. Do you have a niche that you service?

Our niche is the largest niche in Canada. We target good credit Canadians seeking residential mortgage financing.

3. What first got you interested in the mortgage business?

To be honest, it was being fired or laid off from too many jobs. Some people choose entrepreneurship, and others have it thrust upon them; I am in the latter category.

4. What’s your personal mortgage product?

I have a plain ING Direct 5-year term mortgage.

5. Fill in the blank. ‘If I weren’t in the mortgage business, I’d be _____.’ 

A computer programmer. I’d be someone developing cool software for the mobile industry.

To learn more about Dan Eisner, visit his website.