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Ratehub logo's 2024 auto insurance survey

We asked. You answered. Here's what found when it comes to Canadians and their auto insurance.

All about's 2024 auto insurance survey recently conducted a survey to understand the opinions and buying habits of Canadians regarding their auto insurance. This survey – which included responses from 1,250 participants across the country – aimed to gather insights on consumer preferences, decision-making processes, and satisfaction levels with current auto insurance options. Here are the key findings we uncovered.

How many Canadians have auto insurance?

We first asked Candians whether they have auto insurance coverage. According to the survey, 92.64% of responders claimed to have auto insurance while the remaining 7.36% reported that they do not. These findings highlight the widespread adoption of auto insurance across the country.


of Canadians surveyed have auto insurance.


of Canadians surveyed do not have auto insurance.

Insights from Canadians with auto insurance

For Canadians who claimed to currently have auto insurance, we then asked the following questions for more insight on various topics – including satisfaction levels, rate increases, and vehicle theft. Click on each question to view a breakdown of our findings.

What is your current satisfaction level with your auto insurance provider?

Which factors influenced your decision when choosing an auto insurance provider?

Have you experienced significant rate increases in your auto insurance premiums recently?

(If yes to the previous question) What was the reason for your rate increase?

Are rising auto insurance rates making you second guess car ownership?

Have you ever changed insurance providers in response to a price increase?

What steps have you taken to lower your auto insurance premium?

Would you consider opting out of specific insurance coverages to get a lower rate?

How concerned are you about car theft?

Do you know if your auto insurance policy covers vehicle theft?

Insights from Canadians without auto insurance

For Canadians who claimed to currently not have auto insurance, we then asked the following questions for more insight on various topics – including their reasons for not having coverage. Click on each question to view a breakdown of our findings.

What is your reason for not having auto insurance?

Have you ever had car insurance in the past?

(If yes to the previous question) Why did you cancel your policy?

Are rising auto insurance rates making you second-guess your ability to own a car in the future?

Have you explored options (e.g. usage-based insurance) or other discounts to mitigate the cost of auto insurance?

If you could opt out of specific insurance coverages to get a lower rate, would this change your decision on purchasing auto insurance?